Here's a few tidbits of info for anyone who finds themselves here:
- I'm Australian. I can be your token Aussie internet-goer if it makes you feel any happier.
- I like to collect. Video games and various other nerd-oriented junk, though, really.
- If you're looking for music recommendations, might I kindly offer you one of my favourite albums? And if you're not, then might I suggest it anyways?
- If it weren't obvious, I really, really love point-&-click adventure games. Horrible at them, but love them.
Do also keep in mind that this is baby's first HTML page. If something looks strange, weird, or generally un-intendedly odd, there's a slight chance it's because I have no clue what I'm doing.
Additionally, the image you (presumably) clicked to get here is Thidney the Lizard Bloke from the 1996 video game Kingdom O' Magic.